Other downloads

A collection of other downloads

Here you will find miscellaneous brochures. Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Read more about our reference projects here.


Offprint – The refugees who became pioneers in environmental technology

This six page article is about Ozonetech’s history, the Gilanpour brother’s strong entrepreneurial side, their innovative technique and the prize received for Entrepreneur of the Year from His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf at the Royal Castle in Stockholm.

Download Swedish

Offprint ­– article about the prestigious installation of 25 RENA systems at Mall of Scandinavia

Extensive four-page article by the journalist Dagmar Zitkova complete with photos.

Download Swedish

The Keep Sweden Clean campaign gave rise to the Ozonetech vision

The long-running Swedish campaign “Keep Sweden clean” was an early impression for the Gilanpour brothers when arriving to their new country.

A compact where-to-use-ozone guide

Ozone is a multi-talented strong oxidant, making the world more sustainable. This brochure gives a brief overview of where to use ozone – and for what purposes.